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A walk around the camp
Jenny at the 'ole swimming hole
Sitting around the campground
A Painted Horse?
Takin' a break.
(June 2003)
Has anybody seen my horse?
(June 2003)
Future wagoneer...
(June 2003)
Just chattin'
(June 2003)
The results are in!
(June 2003)
One of our Trail Bosses, Blane Smith
"This is the costume class, isn't it?"
(June 2003)
A Texas mule and a Texas Cowboy
(June 2003)
Philip Clement aka "Clem", our resident "fix-it" man putting Rascal on the rail.
(June 2003)
We have a winner!
(June 2003)
Another great lineup...
(June 2003)
(June 2003)
A great group of kids!
(June 2003)
Saddled up & ready to ride!
(June 2003)
Pretty horses...
(June 2003)
A couple of tired cowboys...
(June 2003)
Great day for a trail ride!
(June 2003)
Do you see what I see?
(June 2003)
Dancin' the night away...
(June 2003)
Are we having fun, or what?
(June 2003)
Fun for all ages!
(June 2003)
What a wonderful band!
(June 2003)
If you have any pictures that
you would like to share
from your vacation at
Bucksnort Trail Ride,
please e-mail them to us at
[email protected]
Dean Butler, Our Resident Guide
(June 2003)
"One down, one to go!"
(Shooters Weekend July 2003)
"Too many balloons in this one horse town...."
(Shooters Weekend July 2003)
"Oh no! Lost my hat!"
(Shooters Weekend July 2003)
"Sure hope this horse can swim!"
(Shooters Weekend July 2003)